I worked as Environment Artist on Ryse: Son of Rome, being level owner of Rome, the last mission of the game. I developed this level from blocking out to final beatification and optimization.
Big contribution by Hayo Koekkoek, Stefan Heinrich, Robert Hodri and Armin Chaudhry.
Lighting by Ats Kurvet, Chris Campbell and Greg Montgomery. VFX by Fabio M. Silva and Caleb Essex. OS assets by Forge Studios and Elite3D.

Ryse Son of Rome
Ryse Son of Rome
Ryse Son of Rome
Ryse Son of Rome
Ryse Son of Rome
Ryse Son of Rome
Ryse Son of Rome
Ryse Son of Rome
Ryse Son of Rome
Ryse Son of Rome
Ryse Son of Rome
Ryse Son of Rome
Ryse Son of Rome
Ryse Son of Rome
Ryse Son of Rome
Ryse Son of Rome
Ryse Son of Rome
Ryse Son of Rome
Ryse Son of Rome
Ryse Son of Rome
Ryse Son of Rome
Ryse Son of Rome
Ryse Son of Rome
Ryse Son of Rome
Ryse Son of Rome
Ryse Son of Rome
Ryse Son of Rome